So why wouldn't anyone just go that route? I'm still unsure of what the answer to that question is. However, a VPN is super accessible and simple to use by anyone with basic computer knowledge. And a VPN actually encrypts data, making it very difficult to be found. All it does is delete your cache and cookies, leaving your IP address is still traceable. It's not going to keep the government from tracking you. Incognito is for the guy hiding his porn from his wife. The question is, why use Tor Browser when you could easily use a VPN? Or, if you can just use Incognito mode on your computer? Well, Tor falls between those two sides of the spectrum. This sort of thing could be and is very useful to computer analysts that work for the government that need to hide where they are too. Tor Browser was developed by the US Navy and received funding through national science groups. And if you are "hacking" or looking at stuff that you could get arrested for, Tor Browser makes hiding your ID simple enough. It is easy to use if you have computer programming knowledge. If you are a random guy looking to hide your porn from your wife, this isn't what you are looking for. It hides your IP address, your physical location, and anything else tracked by your browsers and the websites that you don't want people to find. Robot"? Have you ever heard of the Dark Web? Tor is the type of thing used by people that don't want to be found. It is called "The Onion Router" because it builds up so many layers (like an onion), making it near impossible to be tracked.

Tor (The Onion Router) Browser for Windows allows users to hide the shadiest of behavior performed online from anyone who may be watching.